- Agile Development: According to the statistics, 93% of the companies prefer agile development method of software testing as compared to 83% of them in 2013. This method requires a new set of skills and view as it has less documentation and faster methods of testing the software. Automation has made marked progress and is the best choice for regression testing which has mounted up. Testers are being reduced to advocates of the end users.
- Mobile Technology: With the advent of smart phones, the internet is being accessed majorly through them. Loads of apps are beings developed for these small platforms. This has shifted the testing industry from software to mobile app testing realm. This has reduced the focus off of the pure manual testing of software. The testers, while testing mobile application requires a varied set of skills in order to handle the job of the small platforms. The traditional software testing protocol is being replaced.
- Big Data: Gathering and sorting out data is looming big in the software industries these days. Each and every IT company gathers a huge amount of data, but not all can analyze it or check the validity of these data and use the results for future benefit. However, the real trick behind the accumulation and analysis of the data lies in the fact as to how well you have extracted the data and how error free it is. Dealing with such a huge amount of data and storing the same in a beneficial manner is appearing to be a huge challenge.
- Cloud Access: With the emergence of cloud computing, people are hugely relying on it, majorly due to the ease of access to the data stored in the cloud. People are always on the go, and they need to access their data on multiple devices and it has been made possible due to cloud computing. However, moving software testing to the clouds is posing to be a huge challenge, especially on the security and performance front as there is a huge chance of security breach along with loss of data.
- Lack of Resources: This is one of the most brooding challenges that the testers face. Lack of resources results in incomplete testing of the software or tests which are not up to the mark of the quality provided by the company, ultimately resulting in dissatisfied customers. If these lacks of resources are combined with the lack of training, then the yield is even more disastrous. Optimum resource is required for proper usability, security, and performance testing.
These are the most jarring
challenges which are being faced by the software testers every day, during test
cycles. To get improved results from the software testing
processes, organizations should pay heed to these challenges and try solving
these challenges.